What is bluestacks and how do i get rid of it
What is bluestacks and how do i get rid of it

what is bluestacks and how do i get rid of it

When this occurs the downloader used to download BlueStacks will bundle third-party software with BlueStacks and other wanted items. Many websites may claim to allow users to run a program or app across multiple devices if they install BlueStacks and another file. In many cases BlueStacks will be promoted to be used to perform tasks that seem otherwise impossible to perform on a computer or mobile device, such as Android emulation. If BlueStacks is installed from a dubious website or source it is highly likely that the mobile device or computer system has become infected with malware or has some sort of unwanted infection, such as adware. BlueStacks is a legitimate and safe program that does not pose a threat as a standalone item However, BlueStacks is often promoted by questionable websites alongside dangerous malware, unwanted programs, and other threats.

What is bluestacks and how do i get rid of it